| Q: I just won a chao ball in a race with my hero chao. But the ball ended up in the dark garden. Why isn't it with my hero chao? A: There is a ball for every garden, so just keep looking until you find it! Q: How long is a chao's lifespan? A: It is approximately 5-6 hours of in garden playing, that is, for regular chao. For chaos chao, they are said to be immortal, so right now I'm making a devil chao. Q: I just hatched a chao egg, and it looks very very sad! Why? A: It all depends on how much you shake the egg, or if you threw it, or how long you shake/jump around with it. You can get many different kinds of chao faces. Expirement and see which you like best! Q: Why does my chao lie down on the ground crying? A: Your chao is hungry, feed it! Q: How do you get a chao to have no animal features? A: If you want it to be a certain type with no animal features, you have to raise it like you want, then give it a bonedog or half fish. Q: How many animals are there all together? A: In the game there are 21 animals. That means there are 7 groups of 3 animals in each class. (see small aminals, yes aminals) Q: I just took my chao to the doc, and he said something like this: This chao has chaotransformed 123 glbbbrcad! Then my game froze! A: This is a very common question. The chao doctor was made with very many glitches in this game. What happened was there was a virus (don't worry, once this happens it's out of your system) and when this happens it affects your chao. My best tip is this: before you take a chao to the chao doctor, leave the whole chao world so it saves. Q: I just took my chao to the chao doctor, and my game screwed up and then he reincarnated! Why???? A: This is another one of the Chao doctor glitches. I'm really sorry to hear about this! My personal opinion is that they shouldn't have put the chao doc in the game. Q: AAAH! My chao is flying around! I think he hates me! A:Don't worry! It's just testing it's wings! You must have raised it well for it to be training it's wings. It won't fly away, it will fly for awhile then it will come down to "earth". Q: What kind of fruits make chao sick? A: This is a very hard question to address. Many chao dislike fruit like round fruit, square fruit, and triangle fruit. Also, some chao dislike certain seed fruits. More will be coming soon! -HyperChao |  |