| It was a nasty, rainy fall day. Much like today. HaZin was playing ball with his best friend Victor. It wasn't raining hard, but still it was misting and the chao were getting wet. "Sorry, HaZin, but I have to go to school today!" said Victor. "That's okay. I'll keep playing here until you get back!" replied a slightly disappointed HaZin. As Victor walked to school, HaZin suddenly felt paranoid. He didn't know what to do to keep himself occupied until Victor came back. HaZin though, "I know!!! I'll go to daycare for awhile, and then come back later." So, as he said he would, he went off to the daycare to see what was happening. On the way there, he met his favorite character, Tails. "Hi there Tails, what're you doing out here?" asked Hazin thoughtfully. "Oh, I'm just walking in this beautiful weather" said Tails. "Beautiful??, It's a terrible day!" "Well, okay. I'm actually going to Ghost Mountain to look for some ingredients for a soup I'm making for Sonic. He's sick 'ya know." said Tails. HaZin pondered what made Sonic sick. "Would you mind if I come with you?" asked HaZin. "No, actually, I insist you come!" Off they went towards Ghost Mountain. "I need to get a blue mushroom from Ghost Mountain, HaZin." Tails said. "Oh, I see." "Isn't this the Route 208 we're on?" HaZin asked. "Hm... I guess it is! Heh, I think we're lost!!" "Well, don't worry! We're together, we'll make it!" said HaZin. "And plus, I can fly! I'm going to go see if I can see where to go ne..." Tails was cut off by a speeding car that almost hit him. Tails stumbled then fainted. "OH MY GOSH, ARE YOU OKAY?" asked HaZin. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Yawn* "Boy, school sure is boring isn't it Victor?" asked Buzz. "Very boring! What time is it?" said Victor. "Oh, it's about 2:00, why?" "I was just wondering what time it was and if it was almost time to leave yet." said Victor. "Vat is da skvare woot of 25, Victuh?" asked the math teacher. Victor was so surpired that he jumped when he asked. "Um... I think it's.... five?" "Veddy cowect, Victuh." said the math teacher impressed. "Vell zhen, I sink I shall pass out 'sese math papers, if dat's okay wif ve cwass." said the math teacher. Victor whispered, "I hate math! OH NO! HOMEWORK!!!!!!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *UGH* "My head...hurts...." said Tails as he woke up. "I feel like I was run over by a speeding car!" Tails said, not knowing if he WAS hit or not. "You almost were, but you fainted instead of getting hit... heh." HaZin sounded relieved. Tails asked, " How long was I out for?" "About an hour, and while you were out I got the mushroom!!" "OH good!!! Now we need to go to Station Square and get some Chaos Drives." "Um...what for?" asked HaZin. "I'm thirsty!" Tails said almost comically. "I don't have any money though, Tails. Do you?" HaZin asked. "Oh yea, right here in my pocket." Just then Tails realizes that he has no POCKETS!!!! "Well, oh well! C'mon HaZin, let's get the next ingredient, okay?" "What is it?" asked HaZin. "We need some asparagus!" said Tails happily. HaZin asked almost not wanting to know, "where do we find it?" "We have to go to Another Dimension!" "OH dear, here goes..." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Hey, this homework isn't too hard!! Maybe I should pay more attention in class so it isn't hard at all though!!!" said Victor. "YAY!!! It's time to go!! Let's GO Victor!" said Buzz. Victor says then, "I have to go meet HaZin, we're going to play ball! You wanna come too?" "Sure! Let's GO!" "I sure hope he's still there!!!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Is this asparagus? Is this? Is this? Is this?" asked HaZin. Tails says respectively, "No, no no no." "What time is it, Tails?" "It's about 3:38, why" said Tails. "Shoot! I have to go know Tails, I'm going to go play ball with Victor! okay?" "Well, okay, bye" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Victor and Buzz were walking along, and they didn't notice that they were being followed. They would find out soon! "We're just about there." said Victor. "Well, yeah, I knew that!" Victor yells, "Hey, HaZin, I'm back!! Ready to play?" "Hmm, no answer, must be asleep." said Buzz. As they reached the garden, they didn't see HaZin. It had stopped drizzling and now was sunny. They looked everywhere they could think of. At the school, the other gardens, and even the daycare. No one had seen HaZin since earlier in the morning. "I'm getting worried!" said Victor. "Uh-oh, I think he might have been Chao napped!!!" said Buzz. "Let's go look for Tails, maybe he knows where HaZin is!" suggested Buzz. "okay, let's go!" No sooner than he said this a Bully Chao jumped out of a tree and hit Buzz as hard as he could! "Are you alright?" asked Victor. Buzz was out cold! "I'm not strong enough to win! I'm only good at swimming!!!!" thought Victor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * As HaZin rushed to meet them, he tripped over a plant. "I think this is asparagus!! I better give it to Tails. But...I told Victor I'd meet him... He's probably worried!!" thought HaZin. "I'll give it to Tails later." He continued on, running faster than he ever had. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *BIFF!* *POW!* *OOMF!* The bully chao was hitting Victor VERY hard! "OW!!!" Victor barely managed to say. *OOF* Three more bully chao, dressed in black, jump out of seperate trees. One robs Buzz of all the fruit he had on him. The other joins in on beating on Victor. Victor can hardly stand up, yet he remains conscious. He is one tough lil chao ain't he folks? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Victor!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!" yelled HaZin as he came to a stop not 30 feet from Victor. HaZin punches the bully chao who was robbing Buzz right in the back of the head. He goes down. "Buzz, it's okay, I've got y..." the third bully chao clubs HaZin in the back of the head. "mommy?" But...HaZin is stronger than that. He returns the club to the head with a Sweep kick. Then a head stomp. That chao goes down like a sack'a potatoes. "VICTOR!!" yells HaZin as he runs to his best friend's aide. "Oh.....Ha...Zin....than...k...gosh....you're....he...re... *AAAAAAH!!!!!* HaZin punches the first bully chao right in the kisser. "Oh no you don't." says the bully chao, and then grabs HaZin's arm and swings him around. He lets HaZin go flying, and he hits a tree. One of the things that Buzz had with him when he was robbed was a lifenut. Victor picks up the lifenut and gobbles it down.He is rejuvinated to the max. Sucker punch to the face of the bully chao. Then he winds up, and lets his punch free. It lands directly on the bully chao's gut. *ZOOM!* The bully chao goes flying. The others start running after him crying and squabbling. "We're all okay right?" asked Victor. "yup" "yup" say both HaZin and Buzz. "Whew, that was terrible. Hey, what's this?" says Buzz. "OOOH! A bunch of smart fruit!!!" says Victor. They eat every last one of the smart fruit. "That was good!" says Buzz. "That WAS good" agrees the other two chao. They return back to the garden. They grab the ball. "Let's play ball, shall we?" says HaZin. |  |