Chao Haven


Chao Bullies
What exactly IS a chao?
Daily Chao Story
Chao Story Vault
Small animal traits
Chao Memorial
Chao Races
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Small animals
Chao Adventure 2
Chao bands
Chao Races

With most every race that your chao wins, it usually will get a toy. Some of these toys are important to your chao garden, and some are just TOYS to play with!

Here is all the toys that I know of. If I missed any, please tell me!

The shovel
Uses: A chao can use this to plant seeds found in Chao adventure 2. (see chao adventure 2 section)

Watering can
Uses: A chao can use this to water his seed/tree in the chao garden.

Uses: Chao enjoy

Toy car
Uses: Chao enjoy

Uses: Your chao might see the ball rolling around in the garden, and when it does it will chase it. Which ball goes where? See FAQ page

Pogo stick
Uses: Chao enjoy

Boom box
Uses: Chao enjoy

Uses: Chao enjoy

Jack-in-the-box (also known as box of doom)
Uses: I can't figure one out.

These are all that I can think of, so if I missed any please email me from the below link.

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